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BIM導入する際の考え方を整理した / Organizing Concepts in BIM Implementation


English text is at the bottom of the page.




BIMとは、Building Information Modeling(ビルディング インフォメーション モデリング)の略称で、コンピューター上で3次元モデルを生成、属性データを(コストや仕上げ、管理情報など)与え、建築物全体のデータベース構築する事で、様々な工程(設計から解体まで)で有効利用するソリューションである。















・1950 年前後に一式請負を前提に国内法の整備が行われた(建設業法、建築士法、建築基準法)その為、設計・施工の責任所在(分界点)が曖昧のまま今日に至る。












The following is in English

Titlle: Japanese Business Practices and Disincentives for BIM Adoption

The purpose of this report is to learn about the thinking behind design in Japan and overseas, to clarify what are the barriers to introducing BIM in Japan, and to organize points to consider when proceeding with work based on the assumption that BIM will be introduced.

About the term
・BIM is an abbreviation for Building Information Modeling, a solution that generates a 3D model on a computer, provides attribute data (cost, finish, management information, etc.), and builds a database of the entire building to be used effectively in various processes (from design to demolition). This is a solution that can be effectively used in various processes (from design to demolition).

・The difference between 3DCAD (BIM) and 2DCAD is that you draw lines one by one by yourself like a drafter, or you place architectural components prepared in the data to create architectural drawings.

Consider the United States, the birthplace of BIM.
The construction industry is a "build-to-order" construction industry, where buildings cannot be built according to a predetermined workflow. In addition, the design and construction operations are clearly separated, making it difficult to coordinate information between the two companies. In addition, the design and construction operations are clearly separated, making it difficult to coordinate information between the two companies. BIM was born as a process that enables work in the same plot form from design to construction and management.

Singapore, a leading BIM country
The name of the project is "Virtual Singapore PJ
Singapore has made it a national strategy to increase productivity through the use of ICT technology. This trend has also promoted the spread of BIM, and in 2013, it mandated that BIM be used for confirmation applications for some "design design design" projects, expanding the scope to "structural design" and "facility design" projects. Then, in 2016, the "Virtual Singapore Plan" was announced, in which the entire national land is modeled in BIM, and the entire national land is modeled in BIM, enabling its use in guidance maps using 3D maps, etc., human flow analysis, ventilation simulation using 3D, and The plan enables BIM modeling of the entire national land, use of 3D maps for guidance maps and other purposes, analysis of human flow, ventilation simulation and energy management using 3D, and has attracted attention for its efforts.
*In 2015, it was ranked number 1 in the world in terms of ICT utilization.

BIM Diffusion in Japan
Key Factors for BIM Diffusion in Japan
The construction situation in Japan is very unique and has its own rules. The contracting system is centered on the construction contractor, and one of the work processes is the construction drawing. Construction drawings such as plan detail drawings and section detail drawings are very important in Japanese construction culture and are examined in great detail. This is where all foreseeable problems are solved. Overseas, this level of precision is not necessary. This is a barrier for BIM software (3DCAD), which is not designed to create detailed drawings in the first place.

In Japan, even when design and construction are ordered separately, they tend to mutually assist each other without being bound by a contractual relationship. Therefore, one possible reason for the barrier is that the value of information sharing, which is a merit of BIM implementation, is not well perceived.

In other words, the reason for the slow adoption of BIM in Japan is that
... really good at building with a wingman-type workflow, and they don't see the benefit because they are building based on their own business practices. Conversely, the quality of construction work is being improved through free corporate efforts.
Unlike in Europe and the U.S., the contract culture is not based on a contract culture, so the responsibility for any deficiencies in the design drawings is unclear, and it is standard for the construction company to review the construction drawings in advance to cover these deficiencies and then move on to construction. This is the background that the advantages of 3D CAD (BIM), which is not good at drawing detailed drawings, are not felt, and 2DCAD is sufficient for this purpose.
The construction industry was established around 1950 based on the premise of a one-size-fits-all contract (Construction Industry Law, Architect Law, Building Standards Law), and the responsibility for design and construction remains unclear to this day.

What you need to do to introduce Revit
・The more architectural components (called families in Revit) that are available, the better the design can be done even with limited architectural knowledge.

・The point where people accustomed to using 2DCAD are puzzled by BIM is that it takes time and effort to set up the family. However, if this point can be cleared up, the time and effort required for drafting can be greatly reduced. On the other hand, it is very costly (man-hour) to prepare parts and templates. In addition, each architectural office has its own style of drawing expression, so the general style provided in BIM is not sufficient, and it is necessary to create a unique style from scratch.

・BIM is based on the idea that it is a platform, meaning that if all parties involved in a construction project do not start the project with the assumption that BIM will be used, the introduction of BIM will be hampered at once. Specifically, even if architectural and facility design can be completely handled by BIM, if structural design cannot be handled by BIM, the advantages of introducing BIM (reduced drawing costs and time), such as the ability to maintain drawings while verifying the interference of various objects in 3D and the ability to quickly draw consistent drawings, will all be reduced.

Concerns for the Future
The spread of BIM has the advantage of simplifying architectural design. However, there are concerns that the number of simple buildings and details that can be easily drawn in BIM will increase, resulting in homogeneous designs, and that designers will not consider enough details and lack of knowledge about how to fit them in. In other words, the good qualities of Japan's architectural industry may be lost.


The client's request was, "Please build it the way I want it because I'll think about how to use it after it's finished.