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突破470記事! 現代の技術者に求められているのは、汗を流して肉体労働をする事ではなく、情報を効率的に操作し、新しいアイディアを生み出す事である。単なる知識は、Googleにあり!

同僚社員は転職ブーム。経済はグローバル化 / Colleague employees are booming in changing jobs. Economy changes globally


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The following is in English

Title: Colleague employees are booming in changing jobs. Economy changes globally

I have to design my life plan well

Recently, I feel that more and more people are leaving the company. In terms of age, there are many people between the ages of 30 and 40, and older people are around 45 years old.

They can be technical jobs for civil servants, career advancement to larger companies, independence, etc.

There is a PR of job change information on the Internet and in the advertisement section of the e-mail newsletter. The blogger I often see has also recently changed jobs.

If you check the internet site, you will find a lot.
"Lack of human resources !!"
It's time to take the situation and review future designs ...

Those who want to build a building with various people on site! On-site supervision is a difficult image, but if you practice it, you will be able to do it as it is. If you are a solid company, you will have a lot of overtime, so you can get a lot of annual income by adding it to your salary. However, it is a difficult profession to maintain a good relationship with girl / boy friend ...